Comfort, functionality and design.

Theater Seating

Discover Seatment theater seats designed specifically for theater seating. Check out our theater chair models that are appreciated by the audience with their comfortable and ergonomic design.
Discover Seatment Theater Seating & Auditorium Theater Seating Models

Leading Theater Seats Manufacturer

Meet Seatment, your solution partner for all your commercial seating projects, with our nearly 40 years of experience in manufacturing auditorium chairs, theater chairs, cinema seats and conference seats.
We are proud to offer the most comfortable, ergonomic and price-performance optimal solutions you need for your theater seating projects!

Looking to upgrade your existing seating or working on a new project?

Drop us a note and we'll respond quickly to help you determine what's the best solution for your students, staff, and community.
Since we carry out all production stages in our own factory, we are assertive in offering short production times, product quality and competitive prices.

Wide Product Range

More than 140 auditorium seat models. Adapting to every venue.


Experienced manufacturer, problem-free project. There is always an option.

Traditional Theater Chairs Factory

If you are looking for high-quality theater chairs for your commercial seating project, you might want to consider working with a traditional theater chairs factory. A traditional theater chair is a fixed seat that does not have any reclining features, cup holders, or USB ports. It is designed to provide comfort and durability for the audience, while also saving space and reducing maintenance costs. In this article, we will explain the prices of traditional theater chairs, and the benefits of working directly with a theater chair manufacturer.

Prices of Traditional Theater Chairs

The prices of traditional theater chairs vary depending on several factors, such as the size, material, design, and quantity of the seats. Generally, traditional theater chairs are more affordable than reclining seats, as they have less moving parts and require less electricity. However, the quality and appearance of the seats also affect the price. For example, leather seats are more expensive than fabric seats, and custom-made seats are more costly than standard seats. Therefore, the best way to get an accurate quote for your project is to contact a traditional theater chairs factory and discuss your specific needs and preferences.

3 Benefits of Working Directly with a Theater Chair Manufacturer

One of the advantages of working with a traditional theater chairs factory is that you can get the best price for your seats. By cutting out the middlemen, such as distributors and retailers, you can save money and avoid extra fees. Moreover, you can negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract, such as the delivery time, warranty, and installation service.

Another benefit of working with a theater chair manufacturer is that you can have project-specific production. This means that you can customize your seats according to your theater’s dimensions, layout, and style. You can choose the color, shape, size, and upholstery of your seats, and even add your logo or name to them. You can also request special features, such as fire-resistant, anti-bacterial, or sound-absorbing materials.

A third benefit of working with a theater chair manufacturer is that you can enjoy after-sales support. If you encounter any problems with your seats, such as damages, defects, or malfunctions, you can contact the manufacturer and get prompt and professional assistance. You can also get spare parts, repairs, and maintenance services from the manufacturer, and ensure the longevity and performance of your seats.

As Seatment, a leading theater and auditorium chair manufacturer, we offer all these benefits and more to our customers. We have over 40 years of experience in producing high-quality theater chairs for various projects, such as cinemas, theaters, auditoriums, stadiums, and conference halls.