Relaxation chairs are getting more and more popular. Unlike standard seats, rest seats make you free. The manual seats that you can easily position will make you fall in love with their soft structure. Our company, which exports to more than 50 countries, has the capacity to produce according to the wishes of our customers.
Helen Recliner & Helen Relaxation Chairs
Helen Relaxation chair will be your best friend with its stylish design and soft structure. Helen, which can rotate 360 degrees and swing back and forth, draws attention with its affordable price. Contact us to choose different colors and fabrics.
Helen Relaxation chair can be easily positioned with the button on the right arm. You won’t want to get up while watching TV, reading a book or just sitting down to relax.

Pera Recliner & Pera Relaxation Chairs
Pera Relaxation chair draws attention with its affordable price. It will make you fall in love with it with its high quality workmanship and stylish design. The carefully designed Pera Relaxation chair will suit your home very well!

Lena Recliner & Lena Relaxation Chairs
The Lena Relaxation chair is one of the most preferred models among our manual seats. It can be used as a cinema seat as well as a TV seat. Since it does not have a motorized mechanism, you can use it in every corner of your home. Is it just at your home? Of course not. If you wish, in your office, by your pool, in your garden…
Lena Relaxation chair can rotate 360 degrees. In addition, it fully fits the definition of “rest chair” with its back and forth rocking feature.

Today we shared with you three of our manual Relaxation chair models. Be sure to visit our website to access all Relaxation chair models.
Tip : If you like one of the motorized home theater chair models on our website, but you want to buy a manual model, contact us. With our production power, we can make all our models manual.